• Difference gives us competitive edge and more scope for development and innovation. So here at SVA we strive to be Different!
• SVA is a different Organization working for the benefit of the society in the National interest
• SVA is a learning & learner centered school focussing on experiments and trends in Linguistics, Humanities, Sciences and Management upto Secondary Level
• SVA has a fully equipped Sports Complex having expert coaches in various games and athletics for the development of the mind and the body
• At SVA ,we embrace differentiation as our competitive advantage and driving force for development and innovation, making us stands out from the rest.
• SVA stands out as a distinctive organization dedicated to serving society’s best interests and promoting the welfare of the nation.
• SVA is an education institution that prioritizes the learner and their growth, focusing on experimentation and staying abreast of emerging trends in Linguistics, Humanities, Sciences, and Management, offering comprehensive programs up to the Secondary level.
• At SVA, we recognize the importance of preserving India’s rich cultural heritage and imparting it to children as a means to safeguard our cultural wealth. To achieve this, we prioritize teaching children the