New pupils are admitted on payment of admission fees and school fees.
An official birth certificate from the Municipal Corporation or Gram Panchayat in support of the date of birth entered in the registration form should be submitted.
Document submitted at the time of admission will not be returned.
Pupils coming from school outside of Maharashtra state must produce transfer certificate duly signed by Educational Officer or Inspector of the area of the state.
Parents or guardians seeking admission for their children in school must fill in the registration form. They will have to submit all the necessary certificates at the time of admission.
Application for leaving certificate should be submitted at least one month in advance. In special cases, such as sudden transfer of parents, the principle may reduce the period.
Responsible person parent or Guardian must give the notice in writing, and not the Pupil himself or herself, regarding the leaving certificate Bonafide or fees formats.
Application for Bonafide, Leaving Certificate, fees format or any other documents must be given at least 2 days prior to the need.
If no notice of withdrawal is given full fees for all the months of absence will be charged along with fine.
A parent or Guardian withdrawing his child at the end of the year must request for withdrawal at least by 31st March. A request received by the office after this date but before 30th April will entail a penalty of one term fees . Any withdrawal thereafter will entail payment of full year’s dues. No relaxation in this rule is possible
No Leaving or Transfer Certificate will be issued until all dues are cleared (if any) and all books and articles belonging to the school are returned.
Those students leaving at the end of the year will get their Leaving Certificate only with the result on the result day. (if informed earlier)